Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Advantages Abound When Converting to Roth IRA

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by Kelly Greene
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
provided by

I want to convert my IRAs to Roth IRAs in 2009. We are retired and don't make over $100,000 a year. Could you please give me the parameters for doing a conversion? Can you spread the taxes over two years?

—John and Deborah Sellers, Hoover, Ala.

Moving assets from a traditional individual retirement account to a Roth IRA is a way to take advantage of the stock market's dive.

You do have to pay income taxes upfront on the account's value when you roll over traditional IRA assets to a Roth. But most IRA owners have seen their account balances tumble due to the liquidity crisis. And income-tax rates are relatively low at the moment as well, says Ed Slott, an IRA consultant in Rockville Centre, N.Y. So, that income-tax bill could turn out to be a relative bargain.

More from WSJ.com: 

• Some Breathing Room for IRAs 

• Annuity Addresses Longevity Issue 

• Financial Pressure Is a Family-Room Topic

Other advantages: With a Roth, there are generally no taxes on withdrawals or future earnings, unlike with traditional IRAs. There also is no mandatory distribution schedule -- again in contrast with traditional IRAs, from which account holders must begin taking minimum distributions by April 1 of the year following the year they turn 70½ years old (though not in 2009 -- more on that below). And if you're hoping to leave an inheritance, it is more advantageous for your heirs to receive a Roth than a traditional IRA, because they would never have to pay tax on Roth withdrawals.

Legislation approved by Congress earlier this month suspends retirement-account distribution requirements for 2009. That means you could roll over assets from a traditional IRA to a Roth next year without first having to take a mandatory distribution, Mr. Slott says. In other words, the taxes you pay on your IRA assets' presumably beaten-down value would all be helping you get those savings into a Roth.

And if your assets fell in value after doing the conversion, you could "recharacterize" the account as a traditional IRA so you wouldn't have to pay income tax on value that no longer exists. You would have until Oct. 15, 2010, to recharacterize a Roth you converted at any point in 2009.

As you note, to be eligible to convert traditional IRA assets to a Roth, your modified adjusted gross income must be no more than $100,000 a year, either for an individual or a married couple filing jointly. Your mandatory IRA distribution (in years other than 2009) wouldn't count against that limit, and neither would the assets you convert to a Roth. But those amounts still count as taxable income, Mr. Slott says. (You can figure out your modified adjusted gross income using a work sheet in Publication 590 at irs.gov.)

Starting in 2010 -- not next year -- there are no income limits for Roth conversions. And for any conversions done in 2010, you can spread any resulting taxes across 2011 and 2012. The big wild card: Tax rates may increase in the next few years. "Paying the tax now removes the uncertainty of what future tax rates might be," Mr. Slott says.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Exclamation Eminis Rollover Days

Quick Facts about Rollover Day

The following applies to many (if not most) futures contracts especially those from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT).
  • Rollover is 8 days before expiration.
  • Expiration is the third Friday of each quarter month (March, June, September, December)
  • The contract letter associated with each month is: March=H June=M September=U December=Z
  • Rollover is on a Thursday.
  • Rollover is usually on the second Thursday of the month but will be on the first Thursday if the first day of the month falls on a Friday
  • Volume shifts to the new contract at market open (09:30 EST) on Rollover day
  • New day trading or swing trading positions opened on rollover day should use the new contract month irrespective of when you plan to close it.
  • New swing positions might be better opened using the new contract if opened within a few days of rollover day.
  • Market myths abound at rollover and expiration. Check the source and confirm the probabilities before believing anything.
Introduction to rollover days:

Thursday, October 09, 2008

对金融危机最普遍的官方解释是次贷问题,然而次贷总共不过几千亿,而美国政府救市资金早已到了万亿以上,为什么危机还是看不到头?有文章指出危机的根源是金融机构采用“杠杆”交易;另一些专家指出金融危机的背后是62万亿的信用违约掉期(Credit Default Swap, CDS)。那么,次贷,杠杆和CDS之间究竟是什么关系?它们之间通过什么样的相互作用产生了今天的金融危机?在众多的金融危机分析文章中,始终没有看到对这些问题的简单明了的解释。本文试图通过自己的理解为这些问题提供一个答案,为通俗易懂起见,我们使用了几个假想的例子。有不恰当之处欢迎批评讨论。    一。杠杆。目前,许多投资银行为了赚取暴利,采用20-30倍杠杆操作,假设一个银行A自身资产为30亿,30倍杠杆就是900亿。也就是说,这个银行A 以 30亿资产为抵押去借900亿的资金用于投资,假如投资盈利5%,那么A就获得45亿的盈利,相对于A自身资产而言,这是150%的暴利。反过来,假如投资亏损5%,那么银行A赔光了自己的全部资产还欠15亿。    二。CDS合同。由于杠杆操作高风险,所以按照正常的规定,银行不运行进行这样的冒险操作。所以就有人想出一个办法,把杠杆投资拿去做“保险”。这种保险就叫CDS。比如,银行A为了逃避杠杆风险就找到了机构B。机构B可能是另一家银行,也可能是保险公司,诸如此类。A对B说,你帮我的贷款做违约保险怎么样,我每年付你保险费5千万,连续10年,总共5亿,假如我的投资没有违约,那么这笔保险费你就白拿了,假如违约,你要为我赔偿。A想,如果不违约,我可以赚45亿,这里面拿出5亿用来做保险,我还能净赚40亿。如果有违约,反正有保险来赔。所以对A而言这是一笔只赚不赔的生意。B是一个精明的人,没有立即答应A的邀请,而是回去做了一个统计分析,发现违约的情况不到1%。如果做一百家的生意,总计可以拿到500亿的保险金,如果其中一家违约,赔偿额最多不过50亿,即使两家违约,还能赚400亿。A,B双方都认为这笔买卖对自己有利,因此立即拍板成交,皆大欢喜。    三。CDS市场。B做了这笔保险生意之后,C在旁边眼红了。C就跑到B那边说,你把这100个CDS卖给我怎么样,每个合同给你2亿,总共200亿。B 想,我的400亿要10年才能拿到,现在一转手就有200亿,而且没有风险,何乐而不为,因此B和C马上就成交了。这样一来,CDS就像股票一样流到了金融市场之上,可以交易和买卖。实际上C拿到这批CDS之后,并不想等上10年再收取200亿,而是把它挂牌出售,标价220亿;D看到这个产品,算了一下,400亿减去220亿,还有180亿可赚,这是“原始股”,不算贵,立即买了下来。一转手,C赚了20 亿。从此以后,这些CDS就在市场上反复的抄,现在CDS的市场总值已经抄到了62万亿美元。    四。次贷。上面 A,B,C,D,E,F....都在赚大钱,那么这些钱到底从那里冒出来的呢?从根本上说,这些钱来自A以及同A相仿的投资人的盈利。而他们的盈利大半来自美国的次级贷款。人们说次贷危机是由于把钱借给了穷人。笔者对这个说法不以为然。笔者以为,次贷主要是给了普通的美国房产投资人。这些人的经济实力本来只够买自己的一套住房,但是看到房价快速上涨,动起了房产投机的主意。他们把自己的房子抵押出去,贷款买投资房。这类贷款利息要在8%-9%以上,凭他们自己的收入很难对付,不过他们可以继续把房子抵押给银行,借钱付利息,空手套白狼。此时A很高兴,他的投资在为他赚钱;B也很高兴,市场违约率很低,保险生意可以继续做;后面的C,D,E,F等等都跟着赚钱。    五。次贷危机。房价涨到一定的程度就涨不上去了,后面没人接盘。此时房产投机人急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。房子卖不出去,高额利息要不停的付,终于到了走头无路的一天,把房子甩给了银行。此时违约就发生了。此时A感到一丝遗憾,大钱赚不着了,不过也亏不到那里,反正有B做保险。B也不担心,反正保险已经卖给了 C。那么现在这份CDS保险在那里呢,在G手里。G刚从F手里花了300亿买下了 100个CDS,还没来得及转手,突然接到消息,这批CDS被降级,其中有20个违约,大大超出原先估计的1%到2%的违约率。每个违约要支付50亿的保险金,总共支出达1000亿。加上300亿CDS收购费,G的亏损总计达1300亿。虽然G是全美排行前10名的大机构,也经不起如此巨大的亏损。因此G 濒临倒闭。    六。金融危机。如果G倒闭,那么A花费5亿美元买的保险就泡了汤,更糟糕的是,由于A采用了杠杆原理投资,根据前面的分析,A 赔光全部资产也不够还债。因此A立即面临破产的危险。除了A之外,还有A2,A3,...,A20,统统要准备倒闭。因此G,A,A2,...,A20一起来到美国财政部长面前,一把鼻涕一把眼泪地游说,G万万不能倒闭,它一倒闭大家都完了。财政部长心一软,就把G给国有化了,此后A,...,A20的保险金总计1000亿美元全部由美国纳税人支付。    七。美元危机。上面讲到的100个CDS的市场价是300亿。而CDS市场总值是62万亿,假设其中有10%的违约,那么就有6万亿的违约CDS。这个数字是300亿的200倍。如果说美国政府收购价值300亿的CDS之后要赔出1000 亿。那么对于剩下的那些违约CDS,美国政府就要赔出20万亿。如果不赔,就要看着A20,A21,A22等等一个接一个倒闭。无论采取什么措施,美元大贬值已经不可避免。    以上计算所用的假设和数字同实际情况会有出入,但美国金融危机的严重性无法低估。

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Largest Banks in the U.S.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, May 04, 2008

We are the world (1985)

There comes a time when we heed a certain call (Lionel Richie)
When the world must come together as one (Lionel Richie & Stevie Wonder)
There are people dying (Stevie Wonder)
Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life (Paul Simon)
The greatest gift of all (Paul Simon/Kenny Rogers)

We can't go on pretending day by day (Kenny Rogers)
That someone, somehow will soon make a change (James Ingram)
We're all a part of God's great big family (Tina Turner)
And the truth (Billy Joel)
You know love is all we need (Tina Turner/Billy Joel)

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving (Michael Jackson)
There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives (Diana Ross)
It's true we'll make a better day just you and me (Michael Jackson/Diana Ross)

Well, send'em you your heart so they know that someone cares (Dionne Warwick)
And their lives will be stronger and free (Dionne Warwick/Willie Nelson)
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread (Willie Nelson)
And so we all must lend a helping hand (Al Jurreau)

We are the world, we are the children (Bruce Springsteen)
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving (Kenny Loggins)
There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives (Steve Perry from Journey)
It's true we'll make a better day just you and me (Daryl Hall)

When you're down and out there seems no hope at all (Michael Jackson)
But if you just believe there's no way we can fall (Huey from Huey Lewis and the News)
Well, well, well, let's realize that a change can only come (Cyndi Lauper)
When we (Kim Carnes)
stand together as one (Kim Carnes/Cyndi Lauper/Huey Lewis)


(additional ad-lib vox by Bob Dylan, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Bruce Springsteen, James Ingram)

NOTE: USA is an acronym for United Support of Artists, which is an organization headed by Ken Kragen to bring mainly musicians together to help alleviate the African plight. Spread the love and unity to help the kids - the people around the world today!

Written by Michael Jackson & Lionel Richie

Quincy Jones -- Producer
Michael Omartian - Keyboards, Producer
Greg Phillinganes - Keyboards
Michael Boddicker - Synthesizers, Programming
John Robinson - Drums
Paulinho da Costa -- Percussion
Louis Johnson -- Bass

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

O Come O Come Emmanuel

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny
From depths of Hell Thy people save
And give them victory o'er the grave
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Key of David, come,
And open wide our heavenly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, O come, Thou Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height,
In ancient times did'st give the Law,
In cloud, and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008

Finding A Friend In The Trend
"The trend is your friend" is an important trading guideline.

Because trends persist for long periods, a position taken with the trend will more likely be successful than one taken randomly or against the trend. Trading with the trend in a bull market means buying on dips; in a bear market, selling on rallies.

On a bar chart, each vertical line connects the day's, week's, or month's high and low. The horizontal tick to the right of the line indicates that time period's closing price.

A trend is easily spotted on a bar chart. An uptrend is a series of higher lows and higher highs. Uptrend lines are drawn under the lows of the market and give support. A downtrend is a series of lower lows and lower highs. Downtrend lines are drawn across the highs and give resistance to the market. The soybean chart shown below has both uptrend lines and a downtrend line.
Lows and highs vs. closes
A trendline can be drawn when two points are available. The more times a trendline is touched, the more technically significant this support or resistance line becomes.

While some chartists draw trendlines through lows and highs, others may prefer drawing lines through closes in hopes of detecting a change in trend more quickly.

Trendlines may change angles, requiring another line drawn through new high or low points. For example, the sideways trading action in March and April broke the steeper uptrend line connecting the Feb. 13 and March 20 lows. But when the uptrend resumed in early May, a more shallow uptrend line can be drawn connecting the February and late-April lows.

The most reliable trendlines are those near a 45° angle. If about four weeks have elapsed between the two connecting points, this increases the trendline's validity. However, steep trendlines that don't fit these guidelines, like the uptrend line in the early portion of the soybean chart, may be just as useful.

Often, minor uptrends or downtrends will confuse the beginner. It may seem the market has turned around. However, sharp chartists will see these minor trends as small ripples within a major wave. Remember, if the trendline isn't broken, that trend remains intact. Two closes outside the trendline are the criteria for detecting a change in trend. However, very seldom do markets go directly from uptrend to downtrend. At the end of a move, traders become less aggressive and prices may swing in a sideways pattern or consolidation period.

Many times, markets break into an uptrend or downtrend out of a sideways trading pattern or consolidation period. In the soybean chart, prices traded in a 50As a general rule, the longer the consolidation period, the greater the rally after the breakout.
Because traders need time to be convinced that they should put their money into the market, sideways patterns are more likely to occur near the bottom of a move. The beginning of a downtrend often will be sharp and sudden as investors pull money out of the market.

False breakouts
Another way beginners might be fooled is seeing false breakouts of tops and bottoms. As prices begin to make their move in switching from a downtrend to an uptrend, traders with short positions will "cover." This buying many times will cause the market to rally above the downtrend line. This short covering rally seldom holds, and prices may drop back to the breakout point. The uptrend is confirmed when prices close above the high of the short rally.

On a topping formation, long liquidation takes prices through the uptrend line on a short break. Before the downtrend begins, the market sometimes rallies back to "test" the uptrend line as shown on the soybean chart in September. As the downtrend unfolds, the second reaction rally could not top the highs of the first rally.

Channel lines are an extension of the trendline theory. The October through January downtrend on the soybean chart shows prices staying in a "channel" between the downtrend line and a line drawn parallel to it, connecting the lows. A channel line in a downtrending market helps identify where support may be found.

Speedlines are another line which show where prices may find support or resistance. Frequently, speedlines and trendlines will overlap, emphasizing that line's importance to the market.

The speedline on the soybean chart starts from the June 29 low. To find the points to connect with the low, divide the range between the low ($6.40) and the high($9.94) into thirds and subtract from the high.

Plot the point obtained by subtracting one-third of the range from the high on the day the high was made. A line drawn between this point ($8.76) and thelow established the 1/3 speedline. The 2/3 speedline is drawn through the point that is two-thirds of the range subtracted from the high ($7.58) plotted on the day the high was made.

Another way to detect a change in trend is by looking for a price from which the market reacts two or three times.

A double bottom, such as the one on the T-Bill chart, indicated the 87.10 to 87.20 area gave support to the market. Although a recovery had begun from the late-May low, prices broke the short-term uptrend in mid-June. The question then became: Will aggressive short-selling and long liquidation overwhelm the short-covering and new buying that come from support at the May low?

The soybean chart displays a triple top, where prices met resistance in approximately the same area three times before falling. Just the inverse of making the double bottom goes through traders' minds as the market makes a top: Will new buying and short-covering be able to overwhelm the new selling and long liquidation coming from the triple-top resistance area?

As with trendlines, the more time that elapses between the tests of support and resistance in double or triple tops or bottoms, the more valid the formation becomes. Also, the greater the reaction between tests of the support or resistance, the more likely the point will hold.

Though these examples are from daily bar charts, technical analysis works just as well on weekly and monthly charts. Because the longer-term charts cover more time, their trendlines are more important in identifying areas of support and resistance to the market.

How do I know?
In identifying the trend in a market, it is wise to start with the longer term charts to identify the long-term trend. The daily charts offer trends for the shorter-run.

Technical analysis is more an art than a science. The answer to your question, "How do I know where to draw the trendlines?" is, "They're your charts, draw them wherever they seem to work best for you."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Using DMI to identify the market trend
Directional Movement Indicator (DMI)

Developed by J. Welles Wilder, the DMI minimizes the guesswork in spotting trends and helps confirm trendline analysis.

The DMI system has two parts:
ADX (average directional movement index). If the ADX reading is above 20, that indicates a "real" or sustainable trend. The ADX also measures the trend's strength: the >higher the ADX, the stronger the trend.

The ADX also provides an early indicator of a trend's end. When it drops from its highest level, it may be time to exit the position and wait for a fresh signal from the the DI+/DI-.

DI+ and DI- lines. When DI+ crosses up through DI-, that's considered a buy sign. When the opposite happens, that's usually a sell sign.

Wilder recommends following the "extreme point rule" to confirm the signals. Note the extreme point for that period in the direction of the crossover (the high if DI+ crosses up over DI-; the low if DI- crosses up over DI+). Only if that extreme point is breached in the subsequent period is a trade signal confirmed.
Many traders use the parabolic indicator along with the ADX to identify a trend's end. The parabolic indicator follows the price action but accelerates its own rate of increase over time and in response to the trend. The parabolic continually closes in on the price, and only a steadily accelerating price rise (the essence of a trend) will prevent the price from falling below the parabolic, signaling an end to the trend.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Suspicious Gaps
by Carl Swenlin
April 18, 2008

These large up gaps can be contrived by heavy buying of S&P futures just before the market opens. There is usually a bullish cover story available to use as justification for the initial buying spree. When the market opens, many bears are forced to cover in order to limit losses, so the price advance is supported by real buying. Next, the reluctant bulls are sucked into the move as they begin chasing the market.

link to original

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

GE: warned on their 2008 outlook Friday, which sent the market down more than 2%, but volume didn't increase.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Vix options in March 17 2008's vix spike

Friday, March 21, 2008

What a volatile time!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

A spy condor strategy.

Spy has excellent liquidity and small ask/bid spread for its options. It's price range is also easy to predicate than other equities, therefore a very good candidate for candor strategy. Fig.1 shows spy oscillated between 132-138 in the last several weeks, so let's choose the following calls and puts to build the candor (see Fig.2) . As shown in the summary, if the position is held into expiration, it has a maximum profits of 141$, and a maximum loss of 59$ (the total investment), reward/loss is not too bad.

However, as the market is so volatile, we can even further take advantage of the volatility, by simply exiting the condor partially to take profits early. How do we do it then?

1. Assume the market moves up sharply from here, and the sold put has a big profit, which can cover the maximum loss of the call spread part, e.g. 121$ (see Fig.3), then cover the put. By doing so, the neutral condor becomes a free bear call spread + a nake put (with paper loss). From here, you can either close the put, or wait for a market fall to re-enter a put short position to restore the condor. If condor restored, the same profit taking process can be repeated whenever there is profit on the shorted call/puts.

2. If the market moves downward, and leave a big profits for the shorted call, which can compensate the maximum loss of the put spread part, e.g. 138$ (see Fig.4), then cover the call. The follow-up action would be the same as in scenario 1.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008